I Love This Place

I Love This Place
Photo By Matthew Field

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Las Vegas Specials

Las Vegas Specials is another Hotel Promo Site.

Anyone that books a hotel at the regular rate nowadays is a fool IMO, especially with so many places offering deals. As dates get closer hotels have inventory of rooms to move and rates generally move down.
Las Vegas Specials will enjoy it's spot in the blog roll under the Hotel Promo Section which you can check daily for deals as your trip nears.

From the site-

LVSpecials.com is dedicated to bringing you the most current promotional offers, deals, and specials for Las Vegas. At the moment, the focus is primarily on hotel specials with some contests listed, too. There are plans to broaden the scope of the site to include shows, tours, and nightclubs in the immediate future. Thank you for your interest in the site!

Here's the link-
Las Vegas Specials

Vegas News

From The Site-
Bryan Eggers, a 20-year veteran publicist, web designer and photographer, welcomes you to VegasNews.com! We cover a wide variety of news about Las Vegas including celebrity sightings, upcoming shows and concerts, hotel & casino news, travel information, plus news on restaurants, conventions and tourist attractions.

If you're thinking about visiting "The Most Exciting City on the Planet" be sure to bookmark this page and check back often. Our site is updated at least once a day!

Here's The Link-

Vegas News