I Love This Place

I Love This Place
Photo By Matthew Field

Saturday, February 23, 2008

VegasRy Slidecast

The boys over at VegasRy have put together their second Video Slidecast. I've never seen this type of Video Podcast before where they basically insert pictures that coincide with their audio Vegas stories. It's pretty cool. The format is self admittedly a ripoff of PTI style where the topics scroll along the right hand side of the page in order that they talk about each topic. Its a great feature on PTI and works well on the slidecast too.

I saved their first Slidecast onto my video Ipod-like device and watched it on my latest flight to Vegas. Very cool stuff to play to get you pumped up for your trip or to get your Vegas fix in between trips.

I should note that if you don't have a video Ipod you can watch it on their site just by clicking on the link to the slidecast on the VegasRy page.

Here is the link-
VegasRy Video Slidecast #2

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