I Love This Place

I Love This Place
Photo By Matthew Field

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Vegas Tripping Shown on CNBC

What's pretty cool about the popularity of Vegas is that you have these mom and pop website operators doing things better than big advertisers. The Strip Podcast, FiveHundyByMidnight, RateVegas, VegasTodayandTomorrow and VegasTripping all offer far greater content than any of the big boy hotel/casino operators provide the Vegas consumer or aficionado.

Here is a CNBC report in which VegasTripping is shown at about one minute 40 seconds in. There are times when I wonder if the big operators understand how much these comparatively small budget websites affect their bottom lines. There are plenty of other message board and Vegas communities that also contribute to the way the casual consumer decides how they are going to spend their vacation money in Vegas- VegasRex, LasVegasAdvisor, VegasMessageboard, This Ain'tIowa and many others.

Anyway here is a clip from CNBC highlighting VegasTripping
In the Cheap is Chic titled clip Vegas Tripping is highlighted approximately 1 minute 40 seconds in to the clip

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