I Love This Place

I Love This Place
Photo By Matthew Field

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Vegas Today and Tomorrow

Thanks to Elvis66 from the VegasRex forums for the link to www.vegastodayandtomorrow.com.

From the site-
"Vegas Today and Tomorrow is an up-to-date, comprehensive collection of current news, maps of Las Vegas, plans and renderings of proposed and future projects in the Las Vegas valley. The site is packed with over 1,200 photos on 150 pages of developments under construction as well as future and proposed projects."

The site owned by Mark Adams is very comprehensive and boasts some of the best Vegas maps going.

Here is the link-



Joey_C said...

This site is the hands down best site out there detailing construction activity around Las Vegas.

There's nothing close.

Anonymous said...

wow I never knew there was so much going on in Vegas. I guess they are always building somewhere!! Great site.