I Love This Place

I Love This Place
Photo By Matthew Field

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Casino Carpet Gallery

Talk about eccentric. The Casino Carpet Gallery from David G. Schwartz's DieisCast website is exactly as described. I wonder what the thought process entailed when deciding to catalog Casino Carpets. I mean who would ever think to do such a thing? Well apparently David G Schwartz, that's who.

There are nine pages of photographs of Casino Carpets. To say the man is obsessed is an understatement, no?

From his site-

"This is it...the notorious casino carpet gallery: NINE (9!) pages of casino carpeting and nothing but.
When I started this quixotic adventure, I thought I'd try to photograph a sample of casino carpeting in every Las Vegas casino. On a pre-Katrina trip to the Missisippi Gulf Coast, I decided to extend it--why not take pictures of the carpets there? From there it grew into a national quest: in every casino city I visit now, I make a point of capturing each casino's floor for these pages."

Here is the link-
Casino Carpet Gallery

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